Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Welcome to the New Year! Just a reminder that our ward meets at 9:00 am this year. Also, our ward's night for the building is now Tuesday instead of Thursday. The theme for the stake this year is Temples. Sister Kathryn Proctor (our beloved RS President) gave us a wonderful lesson on temples and their importance. We encourage you all to attend the temple at least once a month. As a ward we have set that goal to happen the first week of each month. So, this friday or saturday, grab your spouse, neighbor, friend, whoever to go to the temple with you this weekend. Make it a habit to schedule going every month and at the first of the month if possible. That way you'll have several other opportunities to go throughout the month. We gave each sister in attendance this sunday a tile with a temple and saying on it. If you did not get one or know of sisters who were not there and would like one, please let Sister Childs know so we can make more and have them for you.

We'd also like to encourage you to do your visiting teaching early in the month as well. Take the first week to schedule your appointments or set up a permanent time each month to visit with your sisters. For this month, please visit the sisters that you normally visit. We will have your new visiting teaching assignments ready for you for February. When you visit with your sisters, try and pray together as companions so that not only will you bring the Spirit of our loving Heavenly Father with you, but also so that you and your companion may be able to discern if your sisters have needs that need to be met or other "special" things that you will be able to help them with. Please let us know if there is anything that needs to go before the Bishop or if a sister has a specific need that we need to know about.

To go along with that, we will be having a special Relief Society Meeting on Saturday January 23 at 10:30 am. There will be a light brunch and this is where you will be receiving your new assignments. This is for ALL SISTERS and we encourage you to be there. I promise you will miss out on some fun things and great learning if you miss it!

Book Club will be meeting Wednesday the 13th at 8pm at Peggy Bishop's home. We are reading "The Undaunted" by Gerald Lund. This is a wonderful book about the "Hole in the Rock Pioneers" and it's one that you don't want to miss out on. If you are interested in participating in book club but won't be able to read this book, please come anyway because we will be handing out the list for the rest of the year and we always have fun chatting after we discuss the book.
Ward conference is this next sunday on the 10th and we will be having our Stake Relief Society Presidency there with us so please join us for that.

We have completed the two years on Joseph Smith and I don't know about you, but I sure enjoyed each and every lesson we had these last two years. Such great insight into the life of our beloved prophet and I learned a lot about the church in it's infancy. I look forward to this year where we will be studying out of the "Gospel Principles" manual. If you did not get a new manual, please contact a member of the presidency or you can get one next sunday in relief society.

We hope that you all had a great holiday and that you will be truly blessed this year. Setting new goals and resolutions is the fun part...doing them is the hard part...achieving them is the rewarding part...and life during it is the blessing. Good luck with your new resolutions and goals. By uniting and working together we can help each other improve ourselves and meet our goals this new year.

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