Monday, September 6, 2010

Bishop's Lesson

Last Sunday was the 5th Sunday and that means combined Relief Society and men with the Bishop at the helm! I had to step out and help my little one fall asleep so you are only getting what I heard (because my husband couldn't tell me what I missed...hmm).
The Bishop encourage us to be accepting of others and help those around us. We may not know what some people are dealing with but it's important to let them know that you are there for them if they ever need you. We have a lot of needs in this ward and we should all try to help out where we can and support each other. He also challenged us to bear our testimony in sacrament meeting at least once this year. Sisters, he said that sharing our testimony in Relief Society doesn't count (and he looked straight at me when he said that) so get up and share! It's important that we share our love for the gospel to help those around us but also to build up and strengthen your own testimony. Bro. Stauffer made the comment that he never heard his father bear his testimony. He heard it from his mother (all to often) but it kind of made him sad that he didn't hear it from his dad. He didn't realize until he was a little older that his father did indeed have a testimony. That made me stop and think of the last time my children heard me share my testimony in church and it was a long time ago. So, I was the first one up on Sunday to make my repentance and start anew! Take this challenge seriously and share your testimony every chance you get. Because if the people around us aren't hearing about the Savior and our Father in Heaven and the gospel from us, then they are hearing about "other" things from "other people." Open your arms and your hearts to those around you and see just how quickly they fill up!