Sunday, September 27, 2009

Relief Society Broadcast

We were not only physically fed, but spiritually fed as well on Saturday night for those of us that attended the General Relief Society Broadcast. We started the night with a wonderful dinner of Navajo Tacos served by the Young Men. Thank you to Bro. McKell and Bros. Bezzant and Foltz for taking care of the serving and cleaning up!!! Kisses all around to you. Thank you Sis. Sally Evensen for making the delicious Fry Bread, Sis. Makin for the scrumptious chili, and all of the sisters that brought the veggies and cheese. We really appreciate you helping us put this together. And a HUGE thank you to all that attended the dinner. It was fun to eat, chat and then leave the mess and go be nourished some more!
The Broadcast was just absolutely wonderful and I am so glad that I was there to hear all of the wonderful talks given by the RS Presidency and Pres. Eyring. I took a few notes on what the talks were about and so these are my notes. They are not perfect or cover everything, just what touched me. Please watch or read these talks when you get a chance because they have so much information in them and I felt the Spirit while listening. It strengthened my testimony of Relief Society and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Sis. Beck spoke about the purpose of Relief Society. She made the announcement that the name Home, Family and Personal Enrichment was no longer going to be used. We know refer to our activities as "Relief Society Meetings." She told us that these meetings we can call "groups or classes" or whatever we want and that we can meet daily, weekly, or monthly but at the very least quarterly. She said that the Bishop and RS Presidency should council together and do what they feel is the best for their ward. (I especially loved this because it validated everything I'm trying to do with our groups!!) She also emphasized that we should be getting together to serve and lift one another because that is the purpose of Relief Society.
She strongly emphasized Visiting Teaching and stressed that it needs to be done. She said, "There is nothing more important outside the duties of family than Visiting Teaching." She reminded us to never suppress a generous thought and always follow our inspirations however small, insignificant, or silly they may seem to us. She promised that as each sister does her part in RS, angels will be our associates.
Sis. Allred asked the question Why do we need RS and what does it do for us? She gave us the calling to go to the women who are not engaged in RS and teach them with love about the great blessings and opportunities that RS offers. She reminded us that "your attendance in RS Sunday meetings will bless you, but your participation in RS activities will bless the whole church." She said that we are the love, truth and righteousness throughout the entire world. She stated that RS is vital to the welfare of every home and family. Women have a divine role in the building up of the kingdom of God. She ended by saying that "Relief Society needs you and you need Relief Society."
Sis. Thompson taught us to "Mind the Gaps" in our lives. She listed three that she wanted us to be specifically mindful of:
1) Believing you are a daughter of God and Knowing you are a precious daughter of God. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of Christ. The Lord sent us His Son as the ultimate act of love. Accept yourself. Love yourself and love others. We are all children of God. Recognize the Lord's approval in your life.
2) Completion of Young Women to becoming a sister in the Relief Society. Some of our YW sisters are taking a "leave of absence" from growing in the church. They say they will come to RS after they are married and have a family. You can be single and childless just as much outside of the church, but you will receive blessings by participating in the church. It is the duty of each one of us to be "Holy Women."
3) Believing in Jesus Christ and Being Valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ. We must do more than believe in the Savior. We must have faith in Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, be baptized in the church and receive the Holy Ghost, and then endure to the end through our lives. We must share our testimonies and rejoice in the Savior.
Pres. Eyering reminded us of the Legacy that our pioneer ancestors left us in Relief Society. Speaking of the first RS he said that "Charity is at the heart of the society and became the heart of the members." He then listed examples of that Charity:
1)The sisters in their poverty and suffering cared for others. Determination of faith in the Lord and to serve others sustained them.
2) When the RS was again organized 40 years later, the leaders found that Charity was undiminished in the hearts of the members.
3) The RS helped creat a great hospital system and also started the Welfare program.
4) They began what is now the Primary and Young Women's programs.
5) They started a magazine for women.
6) RS is at the heart of humanitarian aide across the world.
Pres. Eyering continued by telling us what we must do to continue to pass this legacy on. He said, "Remember the legacy is passed from heart to heart." Simple things can be done. Visiting Teaching can be done by doing simple acts of kindness. Visiting Teaching can help others receive the gift of Charity in their hearts.

Like I said, it was a wonderful meeting and left me full of the Spirit. I was sad to have it end and I can't wait to read these talks again in the Conference issue of the Ensign. After the broadcast we were treated to a variety of refreshments from the Stake RS and a wonderful display of Provident Living Christmas Gift Ideas. I have a pluthera of papers, instructions and pictures of all of the great ideas and we will be making some of them in our craft and sewing groups.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

High Priest Social

The High Priest Social was a huge success! We enjoyed good food, fun conversation and wonderful Organ music provided by Bro. Chamberlain. He has such an amazing talent!! He played a few classical pieces by Bach and then 10 or 15 hymns arranged by himself. He played an additional piece by one of the organ players of the MOTAB. It was a wonderful evening and it was nice to have a date night. A huge THANK YOU to Bro. Hansen and his assistants for putting that together for us.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Super Craft Day

Hey ladies! Sarah Moon is doing a craft day on October 17th from 9 to 1. If you or someone you know, are interested in coming please let her know what you would like to do ASAP. Money isn’t due until October 12th. Any questions please call Sarah. **Pics of the crafts coming soon!** Orders are due by Tuesday Sept. 29th!!

While the Men are away the Ladies will play!

Cara Childs is hosting a Girls Night Out on Saturday Oct. 3 while the men are away at the Priesthood Meeting. It's an Open House from 6-8pm and there will be fun, food, and friends so come and enjoy. Children are welcome and there will be games and food for them as well. So, no excuses!! Come and chit-chat while the men get spiritually fed and we can feed ourselves and get girl time! No RSVP required nor do you need to bring anything unless you feel so inclined.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome to the American Fork 5th Ward Fabulous Five Relief Society Blog!

Hello and Welcome to our Fabulous Five blog! On this blog you will be able to view the announcements, review past lessons and see all of the fun that we are having together as Relief Society Sisters and as a ward and stake. If you would like to announce or share anything on our blog please see the link to my e-mail on the right hand side. Enjoy the soft Sunday music while you browse through and read all of the exciting things going on.