Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ward Conference

Today we had our ward conference. Among many other changes in callings was one special one in particular. We'd like to welcome Brother Shane Young as Second Counselor in the Bishopric. We know he will do a great job and look forward to working with him. A huge THANK YOU goes to Brother John Schiess who was released as the Second Counselor in the Bishopric. He did a great job and we know that his family will be happy to have him back! As mentioned above, there were many changes done in the ward today and because I personally wasn't there (due to not feeling well during the night and needing extra time to get ready in the morning) I can't tell you what they all were, so ask around. In Relief Society today we had two wonderful lessons. The first one was given by our RS Teacher Sis. Jana Starr. She had the great opportunity of presenting our first lesson from our new manual. The lesson entitled "Our Heavenly Father" is a great one to start off the new year. She did an excellent job and really helped us all to feel the Spirit of the one whom we were discussing and also helped us to become closer to Him and know Him better. She had a wonderful outline of her lesson with many scriptures. She encourages us all to read the lesson (which is only a page and a half-we should all have time for that) and the scriptures that she had for us. I have included her outline below:
Gospel Principles Lesson 1
Our Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father's Desire for us, His children:
John 17:3
"This is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
What are the attributes of God?
Jesus and Heavenly Father are one
- John 17:21-24
Jesus Intercessory prayer
(Christ's attributes are the same as the Father's attributes)
God and Christ are separate beings: Joseph Smith History 1:17
God sent Christ: John 17:3
Father: Acts 17:29 and 1 John 4:4
(We lived with him in Heaven 1 John 2:13)
(We are made in His own image Moses 2:26; 6:9)
(He has a body of flesh and bones D&C 130:22)
Creator: 3 Nephi 9:15 & Moses 2:1
Forgiving (Freely): Mosiah 26:22 and 30
(She put a special emphasis on the word freely. What a comfort it is to know that he forgives without hesitation and strings attached. That we have the gift of Repentance and his unconditional love.)
Perfect: Matt 5:48
Wants us to be like Him: Moses 1:39
"This is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
God of truth/cannot lie: Esther 3:12
Knows us and our hearts: Alma 18:32
Delights to bless: D&C 41:1
Loves us: John 3:16
God of Revelation: Amos 3:7
Good comes from Him: Alma 5:40
God wants us to be with Him: Matt 11:28
Teacher: D&C 4:7 (repeated 13 times in scripture)

I know that her lesson made me think about our Heavenly Father and Savior and all of the wonderful things that they have done, will do and continue to do for us. I think we were all spiritually fed today.
Our second lesson was given by sister Williams our Stake Relief Society President. The Stake theme for this year is Temples. I loved in her lesson that she taught us to take out the word "attend" the temple and use what she called a "higher" word and learn how to "worship" at the temple. She had us list all of the problems that we as sisters face. Then she explained that all of our problems and burdens can be helped and lessened by our attendance and WORSHIP at the temple. She encouraged all of us to worship as often as we can and to MAKE the time to go. She also read some very inspirational quotes of the various blessings we are promised by our worship at the temple. One of which was that our wayward children will come back to the fold, if not in this life then in the next. But we are promised that if we are faithful in attendance and in keeping covenants that they will come back! What a great blessing for those of us who have wayward children or even wayward siblings.
All in all it was a great meeting today and I hope you felt that Spirit like I did.
We would like to welcome sister Jessica Taylor and sister Julie Pierce into our ward. Congratulations goes to Sis. Kathryn Chamberlin who just got engaged! What an exciting time for her.
Please remember to put on your calendar Saturday Jan. 23 at 10:30am a very special breakfast in which we will be having a fun Visiting Teaching Workshop. You will also be getting your new assignments so PLEASE ATTEND!!!
Have a great week and as always, contact a member of the RS Presidency if you have a need or know of someone who does.

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