Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Festival

Don't forget the Ward Fall Festival is this Thursday, the 29th, at 7pm. There will be no dinner but plenty of treats! We will have sugar cookies for decorating, face painting, cupcake walk, a craft for the kids and even a haunted house! So come and enjoy. Costumes are encouraged but please no masks and there will be no trick or treating. Hope to see you all there!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sugar Cookies

Don't forget that this Tuesday night we are meeting at North Hampton at 7pm to make sugar cookies for the ward Fall Festival. Even if you are not on the cooking committee you can still come and help because we need a lot of them! If you would like to carpool you can make arrangements on your own or meet at Cara's house at 6:45. See you there!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Drug Awareness Night

We had a successful Drug Awareness presentation given by Officer Anderson (Lacey Silverio's brother) who was gracious enough to come out. He talked in depth about what we can do as a community and neighborhood to start a Neighborhood Watch and how we can organize ourselves for that. He explained the signs to look for that suspicious activity is going on and then how we can help the police department protect us. He brought a few of the main drugs to show us what they look like and how they are being used and distributed so that we can look for signs among our children and their friends. He also talked to us about how we can keep our children safe by knowing who our neighbors are, identity kits, and stressing the importance of stranger danger. If you would like any of the pamphlets or identity kits please contact someone in the Relief Society Presidency and we will get it to you. For those of you who missed it, you missed some great information and great pumpkin pie and cider!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Sorry ladies, it's been a while since I've had a chance to sit and blog. First of all, let me extend a very warm welcome to our new Relief Society President, Sister Kathryn Proctor! We are very excited to have her spunky spirit and know that she will do great things for us! A HUGE THANK YOU to Sister Debra Hansen for all of the wonderful work she has done with our Relief Society thus far. You will be greatly missed. We hope that you will be able to accomplish the things that you need to do for your family and yourself and know that we love you! Ok, so we had a wonderful conference, a really good lesson on Testimonies. Don't forget that the Stake President and the Bishop have challenged us to strengthen our testimonies and share them at least once in the coming year. Watch out because I heard a rumor that the Bishop may just be calling up random people to share the testimonies! So, do it when YOU want! This week's lesson was given by Sister Silverio and it was wonderful. We talked about the importance of Marriage and the different roles that we play as husband, wife, father, mother, son and daughter. The importance of Family and why we do the things we do. We had a very good discussion amongst sisters.
This week the sewing committee will be meeting at Sis. Leann Hansen's house to make blankets for the cold sisters in our ward. Wednesday night is really important because we will be having a guest speaker, Officer Anderson, come and speak to us about drug awareness, neighborhood watch and halloween safety. So you do not want to miss this! ALL are invited...men, women and children. This is important for all of us to know. Invite your neighbors as this is a community issue. Of course there will be refreshments afterwards! That starts at 7pm on Wednesday in the Relief Society Room.
Thursday is the YW Evening Of Exellence and the Stake has invited ALL Women to attend. That is at 7pm at the Stake Center.
The cooking group will be meeting next Tuesday to make sugar cookies for the Ward Fall Festival. Please come and help us get ready. The Craft committee will also be putting together a craft for the kids to do at the festival and all help is appreciated.

We love you sisters and hope that you will spark the spirit of service in your hearts. We have many needs in our ward, some of which I'm sure are yours, and we try to reach out to all, but our arms can only go so far. Please help us when called upon and not only to DO things, but SUPPORT and PARTICIPATE as well. Have a great week! It's a busy one!