Thursday, December 3, 2009

Relief Society Christmas Dinner

We started off the month of December with a nice reminder about what Christmas is all about. We decided to invite the men to this dinner and enjoy a nice date night. Sally provided a wonderful meal of chicken cordon bleu, rice pilaf, salad and green bean almondine. Thank you Sally for going to ALOT of work to make such a nice meal for us. It was so scrumptious. The Young Men recieve the "STARS OF THE NIGHT" award because they were our waiters and served the meal to everyone like professionals. They looked super sharp in their sunday best and were very efficient and fast at making sure everyone had what they needed. PLUS they did the dishes and clean up as well!!! I wish that we would have had a tip jar for you! I'll remember that for next time.
After dinner I hope everyone was pleasantly entertained with a production of "Women at the Well." Several women and young women participated and it is so nice to live in a ward with such amazing talent! My hope for the evening was that the women would feel closer to their Savior and realize that we all have a story to tell in which the Savior has influenced our lives. I didn't want to say anything before the performance and get all mushy before I had to sing because then I would have blubbered through the whole thing! But everyone did such an amazing job and things really came together. The Spirit was there and from the feedback I received, I think people enjoyed it. A huge THANK YOU!!!!! to all who participated, both in singing and in reading. Also, I can't let this night pass without me giving shout outs and blowing kisses to my husband Jason, Alysia and Brad Peterson, Libby Roudabush and Ivy Orchard and friend (all three girls helped with the nursery and they are from a different ward!) and Sally Evenson. This night would not have been as wonderful without all of your help and support!
We finished the night off with a few choices of cheesecake and socializing. Everybody at the dinner received a bottle of water with a scripture on it to remind them of the message that we need to quench our thirst for the gospel through the Savior, and then help others do the same.
Again thank you to all who came and supported the evening and thank you to all who participated. Have a wonderful holiday season!


  1. Such a great night! You all did an amazing job!
    A LOT of work but so worth it!

  2. We need to give Cara a great big thank you also because she did a wonderful job pulling the night all together and having some really great ideas
    Thanks Cara
