Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Help Your Neighbor

This is just a reminder that Wednesday May 18th is our "Help Your Neighbor" Spring Swap. Please look at the post one or two down for the full details. Bring your items at 5pm to the Cultural Hall and then come back with a friend around 7pm to get the things you need. I hope and pray that we will have good participation with this. We have SO MANY NEEDS in this ward and that's not just those who have lost jobs or had hardships...we all have needs and everyone can help in some small way. We can all help each other! Thank you and see you there!

Katie Bennett's Funeral

Dear, sweet Sister Katie Bennett died last friday. We will miss her terribly!! Her funeral will be May 19 at 11am with a viewing before from 9:45am-10:45am. There will also be a viewing at Sundberg-Olpin Mortuary Wednesday the 18th from 6-8pm address is 495 S State Street in Orem.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ladies, Sis. Buhler and I just did the VT reports and we discovered that we had 92% this month!!! That is freaking amazing! There were only 8 sisters who were not contacted. Keep up the good work and remember it's not about the numbers it's about making sure that each sister has a friend and is being taken care of in times of need. It's so important for us to make contact with the sisters so we can help the Bishop be aware of needs and individuals in the ward. It's a big job to keep track of that many people and one person cannot do it all. So thank you for calling, visiting, e-mailing, praying and just plain talking to your sisters. Remember that it's not about making sure they have a "message" (although that is important) but that you TALK to them and say "how's it goin?" and then listen with your heart and your ears to what they have to say and to what they are not saying. If you don't give them a message that month it's ok. They may have just only needed you to acknowledge their existence that day or just needed adult conversation or a smile and a hug that day. Focus on the individuals not on just "getting it done." You have all done wonderfully this month and I don't know about you but I can certainly feel a special spirit and a closeness with the sisters that I have not felt before. I LOVE IT!!!! Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug from me because knowing that you care about your sisters and are working hard to get to know them and serve them helps me (and the Bishop) to sleep better at night...seriously! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!

Lesson for May 8

This week's lesson is in the manual. Lesson #32 Tithes and Offerings. This should make for a great discussion so read and be prepared!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Last year the Stake started doing a free yard sale. Without divulging to much of my feelings about this event, I will just say that it hasn't gone they way it was intended. People came and loaded up bag after bag of goods...and then sold them at their own yard sale or online. People gave things that were in such bad shape the DI wouldn't even take them and we took box upon box to the trash can. Countless hours were spent folding and sorting clothing and making the executive decision about whether or not an item was worth keeping or tossing. It was so unorganized because there was just too much to go through. On the plus side though, many families were able to go home with much needed food and clothing items. The missionary help and baptisms has gone up considerably, mostly in the spanish branch, but we are able to get to know some of our neighbors who do not attend Sunday meetings.
While, the idea is a good one, the execution leaves much to be desired. I felt very strongly that we needed to help our neighbors in our ward first and make sure we are taking care of them, and then send what we had left for the others. We talked with the Stake about it and they approved the idea and felt like it should be the way we always do things. Charity begins at home and we need to make sure that our neighbors cupboards are full and their backs are covered before we send things over for someone else to make a quick buck.
So, that having been said, we are encouraging all Visiting Teachers to talk to your sisters about donating items and also find out if they have specific needs of things they could use or are in need of. We are asking every family to donate clothing, household items, soon-to-expire-food storage, really anything you no longer need or can do without. Please encourage the sisters you visit to come to the church the night of the 18th and everyone can participate. It will be a lot of fun and a blessing to many if we all participate. This is a great opportunity for all of us to be of service and love our neighbor as ourself. It's also a wonderful opportunity to feel like you are truly being of service as a Visiting Teacher and it allows each of us the chance to get to know one another better and meet families we don't see on a weekly basis.
Thank you for your support and we welcome all comments and questions!

Lesson for May 1

This week's lesson is the Presidency message. Sis. Barbara Kemp will be teaching so you know it will be fabulous! She will be talking about our gift for the month: HOPE. Study this scripture and be prepared to feel a wonderful Spirit on Sunday- Romans 8:24

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bro. Saxton's Funeral

Sisters, our hearts and prayers go out to Sis. Kathryn Proctor and Sis. Colleen Saxton and her family as they mourn the loss of dear John Saxton. His funeral will be Monday April 25. The Funeral is at 1pm with a viewing from 11:45am-12:45pm.

Lesson for April 24 (Easter)

This week's lesson comes from the Ensign. It's Elder Cook's talk from Oct 2010 General Conference titled "Let There Be Light!" If you don't have a copy of the Ensign you can print the talk at new.lds.org
Please read and enjoy the lesson and discussions.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lesson for April 17

This week's lesson is in the manual Chp.31 on HONESTY. Read it and be prepared to be a part of a great discussion!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One Last Chance...

Ok, well, I was going to pull the plug on this thing and lay it to rest...but fortunately I had a phone call from a dear, sweet sister who inspired me to keep going. So, what does this mean? Well, for starters there will be no lesson review. However, I will post what the lesson will be so you can read it in your manuals for yourself and be prepared to share your comments and such in Relief Society. If you are in the primary or YW then at least you will know the lesson we are on and you can follow along on your own. The announcements will be posted here and calendar events. Pictures from activities or service projects we do will also be found here. I am going to give this three more months and we'll see how we do. Thank you to those who left comments or called me to give me their input on the blog. I do love to do this...but not if I'm the only one reading it. I already know all this stuff! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Obsession

Hi, my name is Cara Childs and I am addicited to blogging...and until recently Facebook! Now that this is out of the way you'll know why I have not been up to date with this blog. Two reasons: 1) trying to kick my habit before it kicks me and 2) Does anyone even read this thing?!?! I initially started this blog to keep YW and Primary people up to date with what was going on in RS and what the lessons were about...but I don't think they read it or know about it. I decided to give it a few weeks off and see if people missed it and I don't think they do. I miss writing on it but the time it takes to do it and keep it up is not time well spent if nobody reads it. I use my family blog as a means of journaling, scrapbooking and keeping a history of my family...but I don't have any intentions of printing off the ward blog for any thing like that. So, if you read this blog and you want me to continue then put yourself down as a follower and get your friends and neighbors to do the same thing because if I don't get at least 20 people who peruse this blog every now and again then I consider it a "nice to do" and not a "necessary" part of my calling. If you don't know how to become a follower then just leave a comment...but a NICE comment! ;) On Sunday the 10 I either post again or pull the plug!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Funeral for Sis. Harris

The funeral plans for Sis. Normanelle Harris will be:

Thursday Feb. 24 6-8pm Viewing at Warenski Funeral Home
Friday Feb. 25 10am Viewing at the church and Funeral services to start at 11am.
We will be providing a luncheon after the services and we can always use kitchen help.
Please contact any member of the presidency if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Relief Society Tribute Song

Hey Ladies,
Here's the link to the Releif Society tribute song I shared in class today. All you need to do is click on it and it will take you right to it. Enjoy!!