Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ladies, Sis. Buhler and I just did the VT reports and we discovered that we had 92% this month!!! That is freaking amazing! There were only 8 sisters who were not contacted. Keep up the good work and remember it's not about the numbers it's about making sure that each sister has a friend and is being taken care of in times of need. It's so important for us to make contact with the sisters so we can help the Bishop be aware of needs and individuals in the ward. It's a big job to keep track of that many people and one person cannot do it all. So thank you for calling, visiting, e-mailing, praying and just plain talking to your sisters. Remember that it's not about making sure they have a "message" (although that is important) but that you TALK to them and say "how's it goin?" and then listen with your heart and your ears to what they have to say and to what they are not saying. If you don't give them a message that month it's ok. They may have just only needed you to acknowledge their existence that day or just needed adult conversation or a smile and a hug that day. Focus on the individuals not on just "getting it done." You have all done wonderfully this month and I don't know about you but I can certainly feel a special spirit and a closeness with the sisters that I have not felt before. I LOVE IT!!!! Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug from me because knowing that you care about your sisters and are working hard to get to know them and serve them helps me (and the Bishop) to sleep better at night...seriously! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!

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