Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Priesthood

This week's lesson was given by Sis. Jana Starr from our manual. The Priesthood is such an important of our Father's plan but can get some of the women stirred up so she was very nervous about giving this lesson. I think she did a wonderful job and nobody voice their "women's rights" opinion.
The Priesthood is essential to have here on the earth because without it we wouldn't be able to perform vital ordinances such as baptism, temple marriage and sealings, healing of the sick, blessing the sacrament and so on. When I got married I was comforted knowing that not only was I marrying a worthy priesthood holder but also in the fact that I was being married by a worthy priesthood holder. Can you imagine being married by someone who received and printed his license off the internet?!?
Sis. Starr asked us to share our experiences with the priesthood. While many shared their stories I will share mine because I am the one writing the blog and I don't have time to call the others who shared and ask their permission to share personal stories. So, I share about the time that I was blessed. It was around 13 years ago when I was in what should have been a fatal car accident. My head was split open and I needed over 500 stitches...oh and one in my ear. When I got home from the hospital that night my father and hometeacher gave me a blessing. I don't remember anything that was said. I do remember feeling at peace however. After my parents went to bed I said a little prayer myself and told the Lord that I know I just received a priesthood blessing to be healed but I was only worried about that night. I was sleeping in a room near my parents and I didn't want them to worry about me. I prayed that for just this one night I would be free from the pain and be able to sleep well so that my parent could also. I didn't feel any pain and I literally felt the hands of my Savior on my head and everything was calm. I only had to get up to go the loo...three times...if you had three bags of I.V. you would need to as well! Most people can hardly see the scar that is left. I see it every time I look in the mirror and every time I see it it reminds me of the experience and how important the priesthood is in my life. Other stories were shared about similar healing experiences and how the priesthood brought them comfort and peace. One sister shared how she witnessed a father giving his brand new little baby permission to return to his Father in Heaven and that of course brought tears to everyone's eyes.
Sis. Starr shared the differences between her two grandfathers. Both very worthy priesthood holders, but one felt that he wasn't worthy enough to wield such an awesome power and so shyed away from using it. The other using it every chance that came along. At the end she asked us how we can support our Priesthood holders. Giving them opportunities to use the priesthood, encouraging them to do their hometeaching, teaching your children about the priesthood and the respect the priesthood and its holders deserve. A few sisters shared the experiences they remember from their father's giving them blessings. I remember my grandfather. He got dressed up in a suit and tie everytime he was asked to give a blessing. Even for the ones he gave to his children for the upcoming school year. He had tremendous respect for the priesthood. I didn't share this in the meeting because of time restraints, but it's such a cute story that I'll share it here...and again, I'm the one that writes the blog :)
When Maddie was just two year old she started having gran mal seizures. She became violent from the medications...one of those side effects they neglect to tell you about and say it happens rarerly...One night we were driving home from grandma's house and Maddie kept telling us she wanted to watch a "woovie." We kept telling her it was late and time for bed and she could watch a movie in the morning. She wasn't having a tantrum at this time but hadn't had a very good week. Jason had already planned to give her a blessing before she went to bed to help her have a better day in the morning. He said that while he was sitting in church he felt impressed to give her one. In our house we call them "special blessings" from Heavenly Father. We told her that daddy was going to give her a special blessing and that Heavenly Father had a special message to tell her and so she needed to listen very carefully. When he was finished he asked her what the special message was and she said in this very tiny, deep voice "Maddie wants to watch a woovie." It was so cute and we just busted up laughing. We still didn't give in though.
I have a strong testimony of the Priesthood and I'm grateful for this lesson as it helps remind me and you sisters about the importance of the Priesthood. Sis. Starr also asked how we can access the Priesthood if you don't have it in your home. Hometeachers, Bishops, and I would add to that Prayer. Ask the One who gave it to help you if you don't have any other way. We know that as women we do have access to it even if we don't hold it. I've had to ask it from the Lord when I was a single mom and I will never forget that experience nor forget my Heavenly Father's love for me. Honor the Priesthood and support those who have it.

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