Sunday, October 17, 2010

Faith in Jesus Christ

Ok, I know it has been a while since I've posted the lessons and don't worry, I'll spare you of recounting all of the ones I've missed. I'll just briefly go over last week's lesson and then proceed on to this week.

Last week: Sis. Kemp gave her very first Relief Society lesson. It was her turn as the first counselor to give her Presidency Message and she did a fantastic job! She spoke about judging others and how we should treat those who are trying to find their place in the Gospel. I loved her thought about using discernment and not judgement when we around others. We do need to be cautious and aware of our surroundings and our neighbors so as not to endanger ourselves and our families but we also need to treat others with kindness because we really do not know what their situations may be. The only one who truly knows what is in their heart and what they are dealing with is our Father in Heaven. So pray to Him and ask Him how you can help someone around you. We have many sisters who are trying to get their lives in order and come back to church. Some just go for Sacrament Meeting and others may come to Relief Society. Some you'll see come once a month and others may come a little more often. When ever you see a sister you don't know go over and say HI! I'm Sister so and so and it is so nice to have you here with us today. Would you like to sit by me? They will either politely decline or say YES! I would like that. Either way, no harm has been done and just that simple Hello has made a world of difference to them whether they join you or not. Nobody likes to feel alone and nobody likes to be judged. As Sis. Kemp said, "we judge ourselves the hardest"...we don't need others judging us as well.

Ok, now for this week's lesson. It was about Faith in our Savior. I sat in the back with my little baby and I loved that because I could see everyone's faces and what I saw today just astounded me! Every one was affected by this lesson one way or another. With Faith comes sacrifice and with obedience comes sacrifice. Some one made the comment on the scripture that says that after the trial of our faith come the blessings and made specific mention of that small word "trial." Faith is a trial but it's definitely worth it. We have to prove to the Lord that we believe in Him, His Son, His plan and what He has in store for us before we can receive the blessings. Tithing for me is one that is a "trial of my faith." It's a huge sacrifice for me to pay that every month but it's one that I can't live without because of the blessings and miracles that come to me and my family every month!
I would like to leave this week's post with a thought for you to ponder. Sis. Jana Starr (who, by the way, taught our lesson today) threw out a cosmic question and then gave us her answer. She wanted us to fill in the blank: Because of my faith... I fill this blank in with some of my answers...Because of my faith I am still going strong in the gospel even though my first Temple Marriage did not work out. Because of my faith I have four children. Because of my faith I have a testimony of tithing. Because of my faith I can be a wife, a mother and a Relief Society President all at the same time. Because of my faith I know that no matter what happens my Father in Heaven loves me and is always there to help me through my trials.
Now, I leave you to ponder this question in your own life this week.

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