Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Last year the Stake started doing a free yard sale. Without divulging to much of my feelings about this event, I will just say that it hasn't gone they way it was intended. People came and loaded up bag after bag of goods...and then sold them at their own yard sale or online. People gave things that were in such bad shape the DI wouldn't even take them and we took box upon box to the trash can. Countless hours were spent folding and sorting clothing and making the executive decision about whether or not an item was worth keeping or tossing. It was so unorganized because there was just too much to go through. On the plus side though, many families were able to go home with much needed food and clothing items. The missionary help and baptisms has gone up considerably, mostly in the spanish branch, but we are able to get to know some of our neighbors who do not attend Sunday meetings.
While, the idea is a good one, the execution leaves much to be desired. I felt very strongly that we needed to help our neighbors in our ward first and make sure we are taking care of them, and then send what we had left for the others. We talked with the Stake about it and they approved the idea and felt like it should be the way we always do things. Charity begins at home and we need to make sure that our neighbors cupboards are full and their backs are covered before we send things over for someone else to make a quick buck.
So, that having been said, we are encouraging all Visiting Teachers to talk to your sisters about donating items and also find out if they have specific needs of things they could use or are in need of. We are asking every family to donate clothing, household items, soon-to-expire-food storage, really anything you no longer need or can do without. Please encourage the sisters you visit to come to the church the night of the 18th and everyone can participate. It will be a lot of fun and a blessing to many if we all participate. This is a great opportunity for all of us to be of service and love our neighbor as ourself. It's also a wonderful opportunity to feel like you are truly being of service as a Visiting Teacher and it allows each of us the chance to get to know one another better and meet families we don't see on a weekly basis.
Thank you for your support and we welcome all comments and questions!

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