Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Priesthood #2

So, last week we talked about the priesthood and the blessings we receive. This week was a little more about what it is and the organization of it. Sis. Joyce Bond gave the lesson this week. We discussed why the priesthood is in two different forms "the lesser and higher" named after certain prophets...Aaron and Melchesidek(sp?). We talked about the different quorums and she shared some new information I didn't know such as how many there can be in each quorum. Also, another thing I didn't know was that the Stake President and his counselors are the head of the High Priest Quorum. Jason (my husband) told me that this is the reason why it's called the "High Priest Group Leader" and not the President like it is for the Elders. Interesting....
We talked about some of the different uses of the priesthood (healing, baptism, marriage, father's blessing, sacrament, etc) and some of the sisters shared some of their own experiences. We also talked about the keys of the Priesthood and why they are necessary in the church. There are so many duties and responsibilities that priesthood holders have and we went through some of them. But think about it in your own mind (and read the lesson :) )and then think about what your responsibilities are at home and as a mother (or just as a woman.) There are some women who argue the fact that we should be entitled to have the priesthood as well and get offended by the thought that they can't have it. To these women I say ARE YOU CRAZY? I don't want the added pressure and responsibilities thank you very much. I can barely handle the responsibilities that the Lord has already entrusted me with. Think about that the next time you think "hey, why can't I have the priesthood?"

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