Sunday, May 2, 2010


Sis. Proctor gave the Presidency message this month and she chose to speak on Mothers. What an appropriate lesson for this month! She didn't speak about how we can be better mothers, but rather how we can treat our mother's better. Broke up into four different categories as follows: Mother forgotten, mother remembered, mother blessed and mother loved. I was in the back taking care of my baby so my notes are not very good but I will do my best to remember what she said.

Mother Forgotten: How many times do we forget about our Mothers? Sure we remember them on the "important" and "special" days, but what about everyother day? How many mothers are sitting in a nursing home, or in a hospital bed feeling lonely because nobody comes to visit or call them on the phone? And for that matter, how many mothers are sitting at home and feeling the same way? Why is that the woman we spent almost every hour of every day watching, learning, growing and being nurished by is the last woman we think of today? Remember your mother everyday and let her know that you think of her and that you are grateful for her.

Mother Remembered: Sis. Proctor told a story about a large group of burly men getting together and having several rounds of drinks, but there was one man who would not drink. To tease him and give him a bad time the men asked him to do the toast. He said he toast with water and the toast he made was to his mother. Each man thought of his mother as the man spoke and in the end they all drank in silence as they toasted their mothers and remembered her.

Mother Blessed: I can't remember what this one was so I will make up something of my own :) Of course as a mother we always feel blessed but I remember thinking a lot to myself as Sis. Proctor was teaching this part and that's why I can't remember what she said. The past few weeks I've been feeling really stressed lately. That comes with just having a new baby and fulfilling all of my other responsibilities as well...something we all do and face every day. But these past weeks with sun...snow...sun...rain...made me contemplate how my life is like that lately. Happy one second and bitterly cold the next. My little 20 month old son has been giving me a run for my money and I question why I ever brought this cute but destructive little boy into this world on a daily basis. I've nick-named him "The TermiNATEr." Moving from one thing to the next and destroying everything in his path I found myself trying to find the local Gypsies because I was sure they had left one of their children behind. Or maybe I could put him up on E-bay and see if I had any takers! Of course I love my little guy more than life itself but he was wearing me out and I was just about to fall apart. But then, the other night it was just him and me alone for a few hours while Jason and the girls went and helped his sister move into her new house. We read books together, played together, laughed together and sang songs together. My heart grew and I couldn't believe I had even thought about giving him back to the gypsies! My undivided attention that used to be his, was now being shared with his baby sister and he missed me. How truly blessed I am to be reminded of that and taught by my little TermiNATEr.

Mother Loved: Reviewing the story of the 2000 stripling warriors, we are reminded how the young soldiers were brave and true to the Lord because of their mothers. They didn't fear because they had been taught by their mothers that if they served the Lord they would be protected. What love they showed toward these magnificent women by honoring what they were taught.

This Mother's Day think of your mother and give her a call, visit or card to show your appreciation towards her. Focus on the kind of mother she was and the kind you want to be.

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